European Contexts: Successes and Failures of Covid-19 Vaccinations Rates in Europe
Die Impfrate europäischer Staaten rangiert von 29% in Bulgarien bis zu 89% in Portugal. Wie kommt es zu diesen gewaltigen Unterschieden? Mirjana Tomic und Ivan Vejvoda haben für die Seminarreihe „European Contexts“ spannende Gäste aus sechs Ländern eingeladen, um diese Frage zu erörtern.
Am Podium
Dimitry Dubrovskiy, associate Professor, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, and Research Fellow, Center for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Evgenii Dainov, academic, author, and political commentator. Professor of Political Science at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Oana Popescu Zamfir, director of the think tank Global Focus. Editor-at-large of Foreign Policy magazine Romania. In 2016 she served as State Secretary for European Affairs at the Romanian Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Security, and the Elderly. Europe’s Features fellow. Romania.
Richard Kollar, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. Currently, he analyses epidemic dynamics and related issues and regularly advises the Slovak government.
Luisa Meirles, journalist. Director of information, LUSA News Agency. Portugal.
Michael Bang Petersen, political scientist, expert in political behaviour and psychology, professor at Aarhus University, Denmark. Founder and manager of the project HOPE, an analysis of citizens’ responses to COVID-19 policies. Prof. Petersen’s findings have become a reference in Denmark.