China and the War in Ukraine: Official Narrative, Media Coverage, Social Media Debates. With Vivian Wu, journalist, former editor BBC Chinese and BBC Hong Kong Bureau Head
23 March 2022, 9-10 CET
Presseclub Concordia, fjum
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Vivian Wu, award-winning journalist, former news editor, BBC Chinese, and Hong Kong Bureau Head, BBC World Service (2017-2021).
With over 20 years of experience in both Chinese and English media world, Wu has reported for the CCTV, South China Morning Post, the Initium Media, and the Portrait Magazine, among others. She has also worked as a consultant for numerous international organisations.
Originally from Lanzhou, Gansu Province, People’s Republic of China, Vivian Wu holds a BA in English and Literature from the Renmin University of China; MA in International Communication from the Beijing University and an MA in Political Science from The New School (New York). Vivian is based in Hong Kong.
Western media speculate that China could profit from the outcome of the war in Ukraine and enhance its already strong international role.
While it is premature to foresee the outcome of the conflict, or the new geopolitical positioning of the global political and economic players, it is important to understand how the war is perceived and covered in China.
Moderated Conversation followed by a live Q&A
Concept and Moderation
Mirjana Tomic, fjum/Presseclub Concordia