Developing Women’s and Gender Studies in Gaza/Palestine The first gender studies programme established in Gaza
20. Oktober 2020, 11 Uhr
University of Graz
Libora Oates-Indruchová, professor for Sociology of Gender, University of Graz, project director at University of Graz, will explain the objectives of the project Strengthening Higher Education Capacities in Palestine for Gender Equality (SHE-GE),an academic partnership implemented by the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) and the Department of Sociology at the University of Graz.
Sanaa Aboudagga, professor at Islamic University of Gaza, director of the gender studies project will address via video link from Gaza the importance of the project as well as coping strategies of Gazan women, who live under adverse circumstances (three wars since 2008, siege, poverty, limited mobility, health crisis, Covid-19 restrictions).
Language: English
Format: Presentations, followed by Q&A
Further information: and in the attachment.
Due to COVID-19 regulations the number of available seats are limited. Registration is therefore required. A mouth-nose protection must be worn. Register here: Registration
Registration deadline: 19th October 2020
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Libora Oates-Indruchová, PhD, Professor for Sociology of Gender at Graz University
Dr. Brigitte Holzner, Management Assistant for the project SHE-GE, and gender & development at Graz University
Tel.: +43 (0) 699 122 80 973, E-Mail: