Covering the US elections: What do voters talk about? What motivates them? How does one cover the Elections in the Time of Covid -19 Restrictions?

  • Online Presentation

  • 27. Oktober 2020, 16 Uhr

  • fjum, Presseclub Concordia


Henry Gomez, national political reporter at BuzzFeed News, based in Cleveland, Ohio. Covering the elections in time of limited travel and mobility due to Covid 19.

Ruby Cramer, national political reporter at BuzzFeed News, based in Brooklyn, New York. Voters’ motivation: which are the main concerns?

Concept and Moderation:

Mirjana Tomić, Presseclub Concordia/fjum

Henry Gomez and Ruby Cramer cover the elections from different locations, Ohio and New York. What do voters talk about? Do their concerns coincide with the headlines of the major national media? How does one cover the elections with reduced mobility due to Covid-19? Do voters perceive the 2020 elections as unique or is it business as usual? Gomez and Cramer explain the US angle.

This event is conceived as an interactive exchange among colleagues.

Please register here. You will receive the Zoom link one day before the event. Registration deadline: 26 October 2020. Language: English.

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