Development lost in contradiction? Policy Coherence for the South and North
10. Dezember 2019, 19 Uhr
Globale Verantwortung
Incoherent policies adversely affect development in, both, partner countries in the so called global South and donor countries themselves: While in the global South, the economic and social costs of incoherent policies often affect the poorest in the country, incoherent policies create costly inefficiencies in donor countries. Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD) seeks to meet those challenges comprehensively as it addresses crucial interdependencies of various policy fields.
Against this background, Global Responsibility jointly with the Parliamentary North-South Dialogue have organised a panel with different expert inputs and perspectives on PCSD from Zambia, from the European Union level and from a member state as well as Austria. The panel will give space to discuss inconsistencies and incoherencies, challenges, potentials and benefits of coherent policies for sustainable development. Also, it will highlight avenues to better exercise the responsibility to make policies more coherent for comprehensive sustainable development that benefits countries, both in the South and North alike.
Brenda Tambatamba, Zambian National Assembly
Ernesto Soria Morales, OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Norbert Probst, DG DEVCO, European Commission
Heinz Habertheuer, ADA – Austrian Development Agency
…others TBC
Registration: Please register here
Contact information:
Lukas Wank (, Tel: 01 5224422-13)
Ingrid Pranger (, Tel: 01 713 35 94 – 63)