Sergei Medvedev, Russian Historian and Political Scientist. Can Russia’s History Explain the Context for Understanding the Invasion of Ukraine, or Does the Current War Represent a New Phenomenon?

  • Conversation

  • 10 May 2023, 9.30-10.30

  • Presseclub Concordia, fjum, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen

Sergei Medvedev, an Affiliate Professor at Charles University in Prague and a Professor at the Free University in Riga, specializes in political history, international affairs, and Russian studies.
He has held research positions and professorships in Russia, Germany, Italy, and Finland. In March 2022, he left Russia. He is presently a Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, as well as a program host at Radio Liberty, Riga.
His most recent book on Russia, The Return of the Russian Leviathan (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2020) has won the 2020 Pushkin House Book Prize as the best English-language non-fiction book on Russia and has been translated into 12 languages.
His new book, A War Made in Russia, is forthcoming with Polity Press in Spring 2023. In May 2023, Sergei Medvedev  will be a Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna.

Numerous academic and non-academic analyses have been exploring Russian history (and literature) to provide explanation/guidelines for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We have invited Sergei Medvedev to explain the historical context that could help understand the ongoing war and political developments in Russia.

Conversation followed by a Q&A.

Presseclub Concordia attendance  REGISTRATION
Registration deadline, Tuesday 9 May 2023, 18h

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